How to Improve Transportation for the Physically Handicapped
Make walkways wider. On a busy day, it is hard enough for people without physical handicaps to squeeze past other people to get by. The discomfort for those in wheelchairs is naturally much higher. Walkways should be made to accommodate every type of pedestrian safely and simultaneously. It is important to remember that handicapped pedestrians have the same rights as nonhandicapped pedestrians and must therefore be accommodated.
Barricade areas that need construction. For the visually impaired, walkways with holes or large cracks are a major hazard. It is inevitable that some streets and sidewalks will need construction, but it is essential that alternative walkways be provided to ensure the safety of handicapped persons. Light poles that extend from the walkway can also be a hazard since they are made of cement. For those who have obscured vision, the poles should be encircled with a bright color. To accommodate the completely blind, padding should be applied for cases where the pole is not immediately detected.
Implement textured surfaces. These new walkways would provide the blind with guidance and special warnings when necessary. Different textures would declare different messages. Some would indicate normal walkways, and others would ensure that the individual is aware of street crossings.
Provide individual transportation on demand. A handicapped person should be able to call a phone number and be picked up by a vehicle that is wheelchair accessible and easy to board. Transit buses should be equipped with motorized wheelchair ramps.
Improve other forms of transportation to better accommodate the physically handicapped. This can be best accomplished by providing helpful staff who are able to assist people who need it.
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