How to Not be Attacked in the Parking Lot
Park your car as close as possible to your destination building during the day and night. This way you are close enough to the front door to get into the building quickly if necessary. Find parking spots near visible, lighted areas or cameras. Avoid dark areas of the parking lot and alleys that cannot be readily seen.
Look around the parking lot before getting out of your vehicle to make sure that nothing looks suspicious. If you do not feel safe or something seems out of the ordinary, then stay in your vehicle and drive away. Report any suspicious activity to your local police department.
Lock your car doors whenever you get out of your vehicle, even when making a quick stop. If you have a car alarm, make sure that you turn it on. This makes it more difficult for someone to get into your vehicle and be waiting for you when you get back.
Make sure your valuable items are out of sight before heading back to your vehicle. If possible, put your purse in your shopping bag, along with any other valuable items such as expensive jewelry that you want hidden.
Try not to walk by yourself; if possible, have a security guard walk you out. If you are by yourself, try to walk out with a group of people and that way you don't appear to be alone.
Have your keys ready, your head up, and your mind clear of all distractions when walking to your car. Don't be talking on your cell phone or searching for something.
Look around your car a few feet before getting into it to make sure that nobody is hiding around it. Once you are in your vehicle, immediately lock all your doors and drive away. Do not sit in your vehicle for a long period of time trying to accomplish things that can be done at home.