Tips on Driving Safety for the Holiday Season
Seat Belts Are Mandatory
Many people find that seat belts are uncomfortable or wrinkle holiday outfits. However, not wearing a seat belt can greatly increase your risk of suffering from a major injury or worse if you have an accident.
It's also not a good idea to take the shoulder belt and place it behind your back. While many people don't see anything wrong with it because they are still restrained to the seat, it can cause devastating consequences to your back and head if you do have a crash and jolt forward.
Children should always to be in the back seat. You should have the recommended car seat for your child at all times. Check the straps on your children's car seats and make sure that it is fastened every time you put your children into their seats because some children will unfasten them unbeknownst to the parents.
Keep Eyes on the Road and Ears Alert
Many parents traveling during the holidays will have children screaming, the radio blaring and portable televisions running. These are all distractions that can take your attention from the road and result in a car accident. Turn down the music and televisions and try to calm your children as much as possible. This can be a difficult task at times so it's important to take frequent breaks during the trip so children may expel some of their energy outside of the vehicle.
If you are traveling alone, keep music low enough so that you can hear a car horn or emergency vehicle sirens. Many car accidents are preventable if you know of a hazardous situation approaching.
Be Alert at All Times
If you're sleepy from driving a long time or having a long day, it's important to stop and nap or have someone else drive. Many people don't think they can fall asleep at the wheel but then do and cause disastrous accidents. Everyone has the ability to fall asleep at the wheel if they haven't gotten enough sleep.
You'll Get There In Time
The holidays aren't set for a specific time, and while dinner may be, your life is more important than food. Take your time when making the trip to see family and friends for the holidays. Many drivers are overwhelmed with making it in time to celebrate with their loved ones, so you not only have to pay attention to your own driving but other people's as well.