How to Use Pepper Spray to Defend Yourself
Choose the appropriate pepper spray form. Some pepper spray cans fit neatly into a pocket or a purse, and others can be attached to a key ring. Also, decide what size can of pepper spray you want to carry. A larger can will hold more pepper spray, but it will not fit easily into a pocket or on a key ring.
Walk with your pepper spray in your hand when in a situation where you feel you may need it. Do not leave your pepper spray in an inaccessible place (buried in your purse, for instance). Keep the pepper spray bottle in your hand with your thumb on the nozzle ready to use it at a second's notice.
Step back immediately from an attacker to put space between you. Immediately hold your arm outstretched in front of you and aim the pepper spray bottle at the attacker's face.
Push the nozzle of the pepper spray down to begin spraying. Aim directly for the attacker's face to spray pepper spray at the eyes and mucous membranes.
Move your arm back and forth while continuing to spray, to create a barrier of spray between you and the attacker. Spray the barrier for five to 10 seconds.
Judge the situation quickly to see what effect the pepper spray is having on the attacker. Usually, pepper spray is incapacitating; however, according to the University of North Dakota Women's Center/Impact Self Defense Program, pepper spray will not incapacitate 15 to 20 percent of people. If you sense the attacker is incapacitated, run in the opposite direction toward help. If the pepper spray did not incapacitate your attacker, prepare to defend yourself---either with another shot of pepper spray or other physical defense.