Street Crossing Safety

According to the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, a pedestrian is injured every eight minutes in a traffic collision. By practicing street crossing safety guidelines, you can prevent this from happening to you. Children should be taught street crossing safety as soon as possible.
  1. Groups

    • Crossing the street in groups can be a safe way to cross because a driver is more likely to see a large group, rather than a single person.

    Street Signals

    • Always follow traffic signals. If the signal has a hand up, or says "Do Not Walk," then you should not cross the street until the signal changes.


    • Use a crosswalk when crossing the street. These are often displayed as stripes on the ground at street corners. Drivers proceed more cautiously at crosswalks.

    Look Both Ways

    • Before crossing the street, look left, right and left again before proceeding. Continue to look while crossing the street.


    • Wear bright, or reflective, clothing when walking at night. You may also carry a flashlight.


    • Children tend to play, talk and not pay attention to cars while crossing the street. Therefore, adults should always supervise them.

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