Types of Car Seats
The right car seat depends largely on how old the child is and how much he weighs. It can also depend on your state's laws. According to Consumer Reports, every state requires children ride in car seats until they are at least 4 years old.
Infant Car Seats
These seats typically accommodate a child up to 20 lbs., should be installed rear-facing and should be used until the child is at least 1 year old. These seats usually come in two parts: a base that is secured by a built-in restraint system or by the car's seat belt and a removable carrier that holds the baby.
Convertible Car Seats
These are seats that adjust as your child grows, eliminating the need to switch seats as your child gets older. Convertible seats usually accommodate an infant in a rear-facing position up to 35 lbs. You can then switch them to face forward and hold a toddler up to 40 lbs. Some convertible seats can hold children up to 80 lbs.
Booster Seats
There are two main types of booster seats: toddler booster seats and belt-positioning booster seats. Toddler booster seats are front-facing seats that have a built-in harness and can be secured in the seat. Belt-positioning seats are meant to be used with a seat belt and do not have a harness.
Other Car Seats
Some cars and minivans come with built-in booster seats. There are also special bed-type seats for premature babies and small newborns.