How to Detoxify Osmium Tetroxide
Things You'll Need
- Corn oil
- Filter paper
- Glass Beaker (100 to 250 ml)
Calculate corn oil volume V(oil) that should be used.
V(oil) = c(OsO4) x V(OsO4) , where V(OsO4) is the volume of osmium tetroxide solution and c(OsO4) is its concentration.
For example, to neutralize 10 ml of 3 percent osmium tetroxide solution, 30 (3 x 10) ml of corn oil should be used. -
Add corn oil to the solution of osmium tetroxide.
Wait 3 to 5 minutes until the solution becomes black.
Dip a piece of the filter paper for 2 to 3 seconds into fresh corn oil. Place the filter paper over the osmium tetroxide solution.
If the filter paper begins to turn black, add an additional portion of corn oil (approximately half of the initial volume calculated in Step 1) to the osmium tetroxide solution. Wait 3 to 5 minutes.