How to Rent Electric Wheel Chairs
Select an electric wheelchair rental company. Some reputable online sites are The Scooter Store, Hoveround and SpinLife (see Resources). You can request electric wheelchairs online, or you can choose a local vendor.
Choose a provider that offers help with the financing process. Many companies have experienced representatives who will contact your physician and submit claims to Medicare and any supplemental insurance companies.
Determine the purpose for the wheelchair. Elderly individuals who normally use canes or walkers might rent a transport wheelchair for sightseeing or to attend a special event. In contrast, an outdoor vacation might require an all-terrain wheelchair. All-terrain wheelchairs allow you to go on the nature trails regardless of the terrain type (sand, water, gravel or grass).
Keep in mind that if you want the wheelchair because you're going on vacation, many resorts make rental wheelchairs available to their guests. It might be easier if you rent the wheelchair once you reach your destination.