How to Avoid Getting Airsick

Being air-sick is a miserable way to spend a flight. If you suffer from other types of motion sickness, you will probably be air-sick as well. There are a few things you can do that might help, including planning ahead, arranging your seating and bringing along distractions or medications. Following these tips make make your next flight more pleasant.


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      Sleep well the night before a flight, so you will be well rested. Tiredness leads to anxiety, which can make motion sickness worse. Bring a light throw and travel pillow so you can rest on the plane as well.

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      Wear loose clothing and eat lightly before travel, to avoid bloating and nausea. Try to take along a good book or some quiet soothing music and wear a scent of lavender or some other soothing fragrance.

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      Obtain a seat over the wing if possible, where you will not be as affected by any turbulence. Take a night flight if the sight of the clouds makes you ill.

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      Try anti-nausea medication if necessary; take it about half an hour before the flight and be prepared for drowsiness. Natural remedies include peppermint or nutmeg under the tongue.

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      Tilt your seat back and aim the air vent at your face. Close your eyes and try to relax your whole body. If you have a fear of flying that contributes to your condition, pretend you are in a train instead.

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