How to Stay Safe in a Public Restroom
Stay Safe from Diseases
Wear shoes or sandals when entering public restrooms. Never go into one without shoes on. Particles of other people's waste can splash onto the floor during toilet use and during flushing.
Inspect the toilet and the interior of the stall when you enter it. If the toilet actually has fecal matter or urine still in the toilet or on the toilet seat, use a different toilet. If you can squat or hover above the seat while using the toilet, this is the best choice. Otherwise, cover the seat with toilet paper. If there are flushable seat covers available, use one.
Remember that some toilets have a very strong flushing mechanism, which can spray water droplets when flushed. Therefore, get out of the stall as quickly as you can after flushing the toilet. If the toilet is one that flushes automatically, try to get out of the stall before it flushes. If you have to flush it yourself, use toilet paper to shield your hand from the handle or button, or flush it with your foot.
Wash your hands with the hottest water you can stand. Remember to wash for the recommend 20 seconds for best results. There is no harm in washing your hands twice if you want.
Get some toilet tissue or a paper towel with which to open the door. One of the most common mistakes people make when in a public restroom is washing their hands and then grasping the door handle when they leave. There are germs on this surface as well.
Stay Safe from Criminals
Be aware of everything that is going on around you, particularly other people. Sometimes a criminal will try to corner a woman in a restroom to commit thievery or occasionally physical assault. If you feel someone might be following you, don't go into the public restroom.
Keep your purse and belongings safe. If you have many packages, it's really a good idea not to use a public restroom. If you place them on the floor, then they will collect germs. If you hang things from the hook on the door, it is easy for someone to reach over the top and simply pull it off. If you must hang up your bags, keep your purse on your shoulder or wear it messenger-bag style so that nobody can steal it while you are using the toilet.
Remember to lock the door. If it is a large public restroom, you obviously can only lock the stall door. If it is a single restroom, go ahead and lock yourself in. If the door won't lock, don't use the restroom unless you have a friend to stand outside and guard the door for you.