How to Lose Someone When Being Followed
In a Car
Make sure that someone is indeed tailing your car. Make 3 or 4 quick turns to see if the car in question follows. Signal to turn one way but at the last second, quickly turn the opposite direction.
Note as many details as possible of the car that is following you: the make, model, color, any damage to the car, license plate and number of people in the car.
Get on a well-traveled highway or go immediately to a highly populated area. Attempt to lose the tail amid a lot of pedestrian and vehicle traffic, increased activity, stop lights and well-lit areas. Drive to a police station and get help in the event the pursuer persists.
Watch for a non-pursuing car that tries to pass. Speed up a little so that the vehicle is unable to overtake and must pull in behind. Prevent other vehicles from passing.
Allow other cars to obscure the visual path of the car that is following you. Take the opportunity to make several quick turns in an effort to lose the tail.
Slow down on the approach to a busy intersection with a stop light. Wait for the light to go red and quickly accelerate through the intersection at the last second. Hope that the vehicle following gets caught at the light.
Make certain the pursuer is nowhere in sight. Pull into a busy parking lot or shopping area where there are a lot of people and cars. Honk your own continuously to draw attention to yourself.
On Foot
Make sure that someone is actually following you on foot. Keep an eye on the individual then make several random changes in direction. Retrace your steps and make a U-turn.
Keep track of the path so as not to get lost. Make note of identifying details of the pursuer: height, weight, gender, hair color, facial hair and clothing.
Track the individual who is following but don't look back or turn around. Use a small cosmetic mirror or keep an eye on the reflection in shop windows.
Get on a crowded bus or subway, then quickly exit a rear door as the pursuer boards. Consider buying a ticket to a movie, then leave the theater through an emergency exit before the tail enters.
Enter a shop, café or restaurant and mingle. Ask a clerk or service person to call the police.