How to Get Away When Being Chased on Foot
Keep looking forward. Your impulse as you're being chased is to look back to see where your pursuer is. This not only slows you down but raises the risk of your missing an important escape path or not seeing an upcoming obstacle. So, as you're running for your escape keep your eyes ahead and your mind focused on what's ahead of you, not what's behind.
Turn quickly when it's safe to do so. Turning and backtracking are important tactics of losing the person who is chasing you. However, it is critical that you turn down streets and alleys only when you know there's an outlet. Turning onto a dead end is the surest way of ending the chase quickly, just not in your favor.
Yell loudly and pleadingly. Unless you're being chased by uniformed policemen, you should yell and shout for help as you're running. If your pursuer is an attacker, you might be able to alert the police. If you are a guilty party you still might be lucky enough to have a Good Samaritan get between you and the person chasing you, giving you enough time to escape.
Get into large crowds. At some point you need to think strategically, especially if the person chasing you is an as good or better physical shape than you. Getting into a large crowd, such as in a bus station or a shopping mall, will help you to hide in plain sight. As you get into the crowd do your best to quickly alter your appearance by putting on (or taking off) a hat or jacket or finding a pair of sunglasses to give you some cover.