What is a baseline revision tripwire?

A baseline revision tripwire is a type of tripwire that compares a revision of a specified file with the baseline revision of that same file and looks for certain changes, e.g.:

- The addition or deletion of specific lines

- The modification or deletion of specific comments

- The modification of specific methods

- etc.

If the specified file doesn't exist or if any defined checks fail, an incident is created.

Here's an example configuration for a baseline revision tripwire in CodeQL to detect the addition or deletion of specific comments in a given source code file:



- BaselineRevisionTripwire.ql


- name: BaselineRevisionTripwirePolicy

enabled: true

severity: Medium


- BaselineRevisionTripwire


- BaselineRevisionTripwireCondition:

file: src/main/java/org/example/Service.java


- match: "TODO(@[a-zA-Z0-9]+)"


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