When you see a blind person pulling in his or her cane and stepping away from the crosswalk what do do?

If you see a blind person pulling in their cane and stepping away from the crosswalk, here's what you can do:

1. Stop where you are and don't move. This will help ensure that the blind person doesn't accidentally bump into you.

2. Wait until the blind person has completely crossed the street before proceeding. This will give them plenty of time to safely make it to the other side.

3. If you are driving, be extra cautious and look out for blind pedestrians. Be prepared to stop if a blind person is crossing the street.

4. Offer assistance if the blind person seems to be struggling. You can ask if they need help crossing the street or if they need directions.

5. Be patient and understanding. Remember that blind people may need a little extra time to get around.

By following these tips, you can help make it easier for blind people to safely navigate their surroundings.

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