What is overjet?
In normal occlusion, the maxillary incisors should overlap the mandibular incisors by approximately 2-3 millimeters. Increased overjet, also known as excessive overbite, occurs when the maxillary incisors overlap the mandibular incisors by more than 3 millimeters.
Overjet is an important factor in determining a person's smile esthetics and can impact the function of the teeth and jaws. Excessive overjet can lead to problems such as:
- Difficulty speaking and pronouncing certain sounds
- Increased wear and tear on the teeth
- Gum recession
- Trauma to the soft tissues of the mouth
- Difficulty biting and chewing food
- TMJ disorders (pain in the jaw joint)
Orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners, can be used to correct excessive overjet and improve the overall function and appearance of the teeth and jaws.