Basic Needs in Deserts
Leaf Bags
Deserts are extremely bright places, and it can be very taxing being under the pounding sun all day. It is helpful to have several big leaf bags on hand to attain bodily shelter from either the bright sun, or from possible cold weather. Solar blankets, which are compact and can be neatly folded into tiny packages, also accomplish the same effect, and can be readily purchased from camping supply stores.
It is a given that it is absolutely vital to bring sufficient water into the desert, preferably in the form of bottled water. However, if travelers should come across any instance in which they need to retrieve water from a well, for example, it is very helpful to have water purification tablets on hand--preferably iodine--in order to cleanse the water. Drinking unclean water can often lead to sickness. Iodine water purification tablets can be dissolved, and also are useful as antiseptics.
In cases of danger or being lost in the middle of the desert, it is crucial to have ways in which to call out for help and signal "SOS." Signal mirrors can be useful, as can aluminum foil. Whistles are also helpful for signaling people.
First Aid
First aid kits are essential in cases of possible medical emergencies. Ideal first aid kits consist of adhesive bandages, absorbent compress dressings, antiseptic wipes, cloth tape, antibiotic ointment, nonlatex gloves, cold compresses, aspirin, oral thermometers, sterile gauze pads, tweezers, scissors and breathing barriers.
Knives can be useful for an assortment of purposes out in the desert. Small-sized practical knives are beneficial. Two-bladed, small-sized knives are recommended, similar to the ones that Boy Scouts use.
Adhesive Tape
Not only is adhesive tape helpful in cases of medical emergencies, but it also can serve a bevy of other purposes, including getting rid of cactus thorns and splinters, and to repair clothes that might be torn or otherwise damaged.