How to Train for Non-Emergency Patient Transport
Conduct a research on the colleges, medical universities or medical training hospitals offering non-emergency patient transportation courses in your state and internationally. An example is First Intervention.
Get the details of the course durations, requirements for admission, whether some official documents are needed, the location of the college or training institution in relation to your residence and accommodation, the method of course delivery--whether it is online, via CD ROMs, through sit-in lectures, correspondence, workbooks or practicums--and the overall course content. The course should include theoretical coursework and supervised practical classes. The institution should be accredited by the National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission.
Contact the institution using the numbers given on the website, directory or brochure. Ask for further details on the types of course you would like to pursue and seek clarification on any areas of concern before choosing amongst the options available to you. You can consult any medical health practitioner you know to give a more practical approach to your venture.
Register for the course and for credit transfers. Avail the requisite details, either in soft copy by e-mail or in hard copy and make the necessary payments. Obtain registration certificates and student ID as they must be verified on admission as proof of registration.
Report to the facility and meet the course instructors and administrators in person. Familiarize with the academic system of the course, how the course is marked and rated, how assignments are done and handed in and deadlines for completing these assignments. If you will take the course by correspondence, make such arrangements with the institutional trainers.
Purchase relevant equipment, course materials and other facilities that are required, for instance dust coats, surgical gloves or a laptop.