Helicopter Safety Procedures
Flying in a helicopter usually requires that the occupants wear some type of headphones while onboard. These headphones are designed to help protect your hearing from the loud operational noise of the helicopter. They also allow passengers to talk to each other while inflight as well as to communicate via radio with the flight tower and vehicles. It is important to place these headphones securely over your ears prior to the helicopter taking off. Because of the lack of cabin pressure along with the noise, these headphones will help to protect your ears while flying. Misuse of the headphones can lead to hearing loss and eardrum injury.
Seat belts
Unlike airplanes there is not generally much room to move around in while onboard a helicopter. It is important to keep your safety belt securely fastened at all times and to stay seated while the helicopter is in flight. Larger helicopters such as military transport vehicles may have more room to walk around in but are still dangerous because of the high winds and sudden changes in direction that a helicopter can take. Wearing your safety belt at all times can help to keep you and other passengers safe from bodily harm from falling.
Loose Objects
Because helicopters have such a high rate of maneuverability and because they can be operated with doors open, it is important to make sure that all loose articles are properly secured and stored prior to take-off and that they stay in place during flight. No loose articles should be accessed during flight on a helicopter because of the chance that they could fall throughout the cabin or be swept out of the helicopter, causing injury to anyone on the ground.