Alcohol Compliance Training

Alcohol compliance training programs encourage responsible marketing, serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages, according to the "Alcohol Compliance Education" of the Oklahoma Restaurant Association. Such programs increase awareness of the dangers of consuming alcoholic beverages, teach restaurant workers how to deal with customers, inform establishments that serve alcohol of their legal obligations and eliminate selling alcohol to underage youth. Alcohol compliance also ensures the safety of airline, train, bus and subway employees, along with other employees in the public transportation industry, and their passengers.
  1. Server Training

    • Server training teaches restaurant employees how to recognize signs that a customer is intoxicated, recognize false IDs, apply state law regarding the sale and consumption of alcohol and express concern for customer's safety, says the Oklahoma Restaurant Association site. Such workshops protect establishments from liability in the event someone causes an accident after leaving the restaurant.

    Supervisor Training

    • Supervisor training focuses on keeping a manager's staff alcohol-free. Workshops address how to conduct and enforce a substance abuse prevention program and policy, how to recognize intoxication, how to handle employees who appear to be under the influence and how to confront these employees, according to the article titled, "Supervisors' 60/60 Training Program" of the Buckley Productions website. Such programs illustrate how even one drink can affect job performance.

    Home Training Program

    • Other companies offer a national training program over the Internet for establishment owners who want unlimited access to a training program, according to the "On-Line Training" page of the Regulatory Compliance Services, Inc. website. Such online training includes asking for IDs, confronting a customer who is drunk, serving alcohol responsibly, managing an establishment properly and displaying the required signage in an establishment to deter illegal or excessive drinking. The course even includes a comprehensive exam at the end.

    Training for Transportation Specialists

    • According to the "Office of Drug & Alcohol Policy & Compliance" page of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) website, the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 requires drug and alcohol testing for airline employees, truck drivers, train and subway operators and others in the transportation field. In addition, DOT publishes rules and procedures for conducting the tests.

    Compliance Checks

    • A compliance check is a method of identifying establishments that sell alcohol to minors, according to an article titled, "Compliance Checks" at the University of Minnesota website. In such procedures, a law enforcement officer waits as a minor attempts to purchase alcohol in a bar or convenience store. If the purchase is successful, the officer issues the establishment a citation. Such checks, which local ordinances in a specific area mandate and law enforcement officials enforce, warn local establishments of the legal dangers of selling alcohol to minors.

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