Operating Instructions for a Hi-Jacker Manlift
Test the manlift prior to allowing workers to use it. If you are using a HiJacker Electric Powered Man Lift 500, for instance, stand facing the ladder and look for the control panels on the lower-right side of the machine. You will have three buttons to choose from. Select the power button that starts up the machine. Identify the button for moving the lift up and press it. This button will also be on the right side, in a panel shared with the button for lowering the lift. After the manlift is extended all the way, test the button to lower the lift. By testing these buttons, you can tell how well the manlift is functioning.
Position the manlift so that it is on level ground. Set the brakes so that the machine locks into place, and cannot move forward or backward. This is critical because the HiJacker Electric Powered Man Lift 500 is on wheels, and can easily wheel away if not properly braked. The brakes on a HiJacker manlift look like posts, and there are four total. Push the lever on top of each brake down with your hand, which extends the brake until it touches the floor. By pushing the lever all the way down, you lock the brake into place. The bottom of the brakes look like suction cups, which are effective for gripping hard surfaces. To release the brakes, lift the lever at the top of the brake post back up.
Allow the worker to climb the ladder up to the lift platform -- only once the machine is in place and the brakes are down. Workers use the handrails on either side of the ladder to enter the lift platform. Materials that are being handled, such as tools, must be set flat on the surface of the lift. Instruct the worker to stand with both feet flat on the platform, as there are no guardrails around the HiJacker Electric Powered Man Lift 500 platform.
Press the power button located on the lower-right side of the HiJacker manlift, once the worker is in position. Push the lift button with your finger, to automatically raise the platform. Keep your finger pressed down on the button until the lift reaches the desired height. Release the lift button back into its neutral position to stop the lift from going up any further. The raised platform stays in place.
Cue the worker in the lift to let him know that the lift is done moving and that he can now perform his work. You might use hand signal cues or verbal cues, depending on how high up the worker is and the level of noise at the site. Communication between the worker and the operator is critical to ensure that both people know when the manlift will be moving.