Proper Lifting at a Work Station
Stand Close
Before you begin to lift something, position yourself so that you can lift properly. Stand close enough to the object so that your feet are nearly against it. Place your feet roughly shoulder width apart, or wider if that is a comfortable stance for the size and weight of the object you are lifting.
With Your Knees
There is an old axiom about lifting with your knees, not with your back. This is exactly the right advice to follow when lifting something at a work station. Bend at the knees and keep your back as straight as possible. This takes the strain off your back and puts it on your knees, which are better suited for lifting.
Close to Your Body
When lifting and while carrying an object, keep it close to you body. If the object has a heavy side and a light side, the heavy side should be against your body. Having the weight away from your body increases the strain on a number of body areas, including your back.
Twisting and Turning
Do as little twisting as possible. Instead, when lifting a heavy object, stand straight and pivot with your feet, rather than your body. Similarly, when walking with a heavy object, turn and maneuver with your feet, keeping your torso as straight as possible.