How to Remove Combustible Dust From a Mezzanine
Things You'll Need
- HEPA vacuum
- Protective covering
- Drop cloths
- Breathing apparatus
- Scissor lift
- Portable floodlights
- Large trash cans
Lay down drop cloths over the entire mezzanine, covering all of the floors, surfaces, and equipment in every area of it to prevent recontamination.
Apply your protective gear and breathing apparatus.
Work from the ceiling to the walls to the floors, using the scissor lift and HEPA vacuum to remove the dust wherever it is found. Make sure to get every last bit of it, and use your portable floodlight to illuminate areas that are difficult to see.
Empty the vacuum's contents into your trash cans a small amount at a time in order to avoid friction that could cause sparks.
Clean your drop cloths last. Be sure to thoroughly vacuum the entire surface of the cloths before removing them from the mezzanine.
Remove the trash cans from the mezzanine, followed by the drop cloths. Ensure that there is no dust on your protective clothing before removing.
Inspect the mezzanine after the job is completed to ensure that you found all of the dust deposits.