How to Move a Heavy Object Without a Dolly
Find a partner to help you if the object is exceptionally heavy or bulky. Do not try to lift the object alone.
Clear a path from the object to your destination. Also make sure that your destination is clear of any debris that may prevent you from easily setting down the load.
Find a solid place to grip the object before you try to pick it up. If the object is small, lift it from the bottom. If it is large, find a protrusion that you can use as a handle.
Face the object with your feet pointed slightly outward and shoulder-width apart.
Bend your knees, not your spine. When you lean forward to pick up an object, your spine must do part of the lifting.
Lift the object straight up, using your legs. Do not twist, bend or lean while picking up the object.
Keep the object as close to your body as possible, carrying most of the weight between your waist and your shoulders.
Communicate with your partner, especially if he is moving backward. Warn him of any objects in his path or upcoming turns. A misstep can cause both of you to drop the load.
Set the object down by bending your knees, not your spine. Do not lean or twist until you have completely released the load.