How to Convert Noise Dose to TWA
Things You'll Need
- Sound level meter or dosimeter
- Calculator with logarithmic function capabilities
- 29 CFR 1910.95 Appendix A Noise Exposure Computation Table G-16A
Take direct readings of sound levels in the workplace using a sound-level meter or dosimeter. Ensure your equipment is properly calibrated and programmed before use. It is important to use the slow response setting in determining sound-level measurements for OSHA compliance. Follow all other set-up guidelines of the equipment manufacturer. Some modern sound-level meters and dosimeters have functions that will automatically calculate sound-level dose and time-weighted average. If the equipment used does not have this capability, readings must be used for mathematical calculations of dose and TWA.
Calculate the noise dosage. Noise dosage can be estimated using a noise-dose table as illustrated by the Michigan Mine safety and Health Training Program's website entitled "Noise Basics." For an accurate accounting of noise dosage, the OSHA noise-dosage formula must be used. Noise Dosage is calculated by the formula D=100(C/T) where D equals total dosage, C equals the measured or estimated length of time spent at a certain noise-level reading and T is a set value given by OSHA table G-16A found in the Code of Federal Regulations in Appendix A of the standard for Occupational Health and Environmental Control.
Calculate the Time Weighted Average. The TWA is calculated by 16.61 times the base 10 logarithm of the dosage divided by 100 plus 90, as seen in this formula: TWA= 16.61 Log10(D/100) + 90. An estimate of the Time Weighted Average can be found using Table A-1 in the the Code of Federal Regulations in Appendix A of the standard of Occupational Health and Environmental Control as noted above.