Can a teacher in Texas be fired while on disability from an organ transplant?

In Texas, public school teachers employed under a continuing contract can only be terminated for specific reasons specified by law, including incompetence, neglect of duty, or other good cause. While being on disability leave for an organ transplant may temporarily affect a teacher's ability to perform their regular duties, it is unlikely to be considered grounds for immediate termination.

As a general rule, employers cannot discriminate against employees with disabilities or treat them differently than those without disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities, including limiting or retaliating against an employee's ability to take medical leave.

During the period of disability leave, the school district may explore alternative options to accommodate the teacher's condition, such as providing modified duties or reasonable accommodations. If the teacher's condition permanently prevents them from fulfilling their teaching responsibilities, the school district may consider other options, such as reassignment or early retirement.

However, it is important to note that each case may vary depending on the specific circumstances, and the decision on whether to terminate a teacher's employment while on disability leave ultimately lies with the school district. Teachers who are concerned about their job security while on disability leave should seek legal counsel or contact their union representative to understand their rights and options.

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