What is an excuse for going to work that no one really believes?
* "I have a doctor's appointment." This is another common excuse that can be difficult to verify. However, if you use this excuse too often, people will start to wonder why you are always going to the doctor.
* "I have a family emergency." This is a more serious excuse that can be difficult to argue with. However, if you use this excuse too often, people will start to think that you are always having family problems.
* "I'm not feeling well." This is a vague excuse that can be used for a variety of reasons. However, if you use this excuse too often, people will start to think that you are always sick.
* "I have to take my pet to the vet." This is a less common excuse, but it can still be effective. However, if you use this excuse too often, people will start to wonder why you have so many pets.