What damage can be done by not supporting a head?

Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)

Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is a serious brain injury that can occur when a baby or young child is shaken violently. SBS can cause bleeding in the brain, swelling of the brain, and damage to the nerves. SBS can lead to lifelong disabilities, including:

- Vision problems

- Hearing loss

- Speech problems

- Learning disabilities

- Cerebral palsy

- Mental retardation

- Death

Other Injuries

In addition to SBS, not supporting a head can also lead to other injuries, including:

- Skull fractures

- Neck injuries

- Spinal cord injuries

- Broken bones

- Bruises

- Cuts


The best way to prevent SBS and other injuries is to always support a baby or young child's head. When holding a baby, cradle the baby's head with your hand. When transporting a baby, use a car seat that is properly installed and secured. Never shake a baby or young child.

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