How to Use Fall Arrest Systems
Inspect your lanyards, ropes and harness before use. If you see frayed ropes or damaged locks on your harness do not use it.
Try on your harness to see how it fits. An ideal fit is one that sits snugly up against your body. If your harness fits too tightly adjust it or buy another one.
Find a strong point to tie your fall arrest system to. The tie-off point should be high enough up so that you will not hit a lower level if you fall. You also want to choose a tie-off point directly above you so that you do not swing if you fall. Each tie-off point must be able to support at least 5,000 pounds of force.
Use full-body harnesses. Other types of harnesses such as the ones worn around your waist do not work as effectively and can endanger you if used.
Find the right connecting device. You must find a connecting device that will prevent you from falling onto the ground or surface below. For distances of under 18 and-a-half feet use a self-retracting lifeline/fall limiter. For distances over 18 and-a-half feet use a shock-absorbing lanyard in addition to a self-retracting lifeline/fall limiter. Always connect your lanyards directly to your harness and never tie them as this reduces their strength by 50 percent.