How to Stop RSI
Purchase an ergonomic keyboard, or adjust your standard keyboard to lie flat. Type with your wrists raised to avoid strain. Use a gel or padded rest with your keyboard to shift tension away form the wrist.
Treat pain with over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen. Press an ice pack, heat, or cool compress to the injured spot. Heat and cold may relieve some symptoms.
Inject steroids into the affected area if the pain becomes severe or the condition does not go away. Such a procedure must be performed by a medical professional.
Cease the repetitive activity. If this is impossible (as in many workplace situations), simply modify your behavior. Alter slightly your muscle movements as you engage in the causative behavior. Take regular, brief breaks.
Use wrist splints if the RSI is affecting your wrist. This is another rather drastic, but nonetheless effective, way of dealing with RSI.
Consult an acupuncurist or yoga instructor. These alternative therapies have been shown to be effective in treating RSI.