Most Common OSHA Infractions
Scaffolding failures are the most cited OSHA violation. The most commonly cited violation was for findings related to employee falls. Scaffolding failures, when planking or support gives way or when employees slip or are struck by falling objects, were the most frequently cited. Fall Protection (anytime a worker is not provided fall protection above four feet) was number two and ladder violations was also in the top five.
Hazard Communication
OSHA ensures toxic substances are properly labelled. The next highest cited violation by OSHA was Hazard Communication, which came in at number three in 2010. Hazard Communication violations usually involve the mislabeling of hazardous chemicals or other toxic substances. The findings may involve containers found to be improperly marked, or employees getting injured as a result of mislabeled chemicals.
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory protection keeps workers isolated from dangerous gasses and substances. Another commonly cited violation relates to respiratory protection issues. Serious health hazards can result when workers are not provided proper respiratory devices. Environment, Health and Safety Online says that respiratory devices protect workers from "insufficient oxygen, harmful dusts, fogs, smokes, mists, gases, vapors and sprays." Respiratory Protection violations were the fourth most commonly cited violation in 2010.
Other Safety Issues
Other citations frequently cited by OSHA that made the Top 10 list in 2010 included improper lockout/tagout machinery safeguard and machine guarding, unsafe electrical wiring and improper use of heavy machinery and trucks.