Health Risks at Work
Repetitive Strain Injury
Repetitive strain injury -- which spans 20 musculoskeletal system disorders including carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis and tendonitis -- is a common health hazard that can happen to any employee who frequently uses her arms and hands. RSI often affects computer users but encompasses all repetitive activities. The danger increases with poor posture or using too much force to complete your work. RSI results in numbness, tingling, sharp or dull pain, weakness, and poor grip and mobility problems in the affected area. Computer users can prevent repetitive strain through correct posture and ergonomic equipment. Ergonomic equipment, such as a specially designed chair, adjusts to fit your body comfortably and maintain a safe position. With heavier work, warming up helps to prevent injuries, including repetitive strain.
Infection is a serious health risk, especially to those in the health-care industry. Many deaths result annually due to the spreading of bacteria and viruses. Regardless of where you work, the most effective way to avoid spreading germs is through hand-washing. In addition, cover your coughs and sneezes and keep hand sanitizers or tissues handy. Health-care workers should follow hospital regulations and wear protective accessories like gloves and masks.
Tripping, Slipping or Falling
Trips, slips and falls are common health risks at any workplace. As long as you are walking, you risk falling in some way. Often, people are uninjured, but taking a fall -- particularly as you get older -- can bring serious danger. Slips can happen if the floor is oily, contains a spill, is slippery due to weather or has loose carpeting. Trips occur when your view is obstructed, clutter is present, or the surface you walk on is uneven. The most severe falls at high distances result from unsafe equipment like scaffolds, ladders, buildings or vehicles. Workplaces should provide proper equipment to guard against injury, but you can do your part to decrease risk. Avoid overloading ladders or scaffolds, and always check them for damage. Do not rush when entering, exiting or operating an industrial vehicle that is high off the ground. Finally, remember that you have the right to refuse unsafe work.
Chemical-exposure dangers are not limited to factories or chemical plants. Even if you work at an office or cash register, many substances can put your well-being in danger. Everyday cleaning or painting products pose a threat, especially to those who are sensitive to certain chemicals. Risks include exposure or proximity to solvents, fumes or explosive substances, such as gasoline.