Hazard & Warning Signs for Corrosive and Toxic Material
Radiation can cause mutatations in the cells of your body, increasing your chances of getting cancer. The most infamous of all hazard signs, the radiation warning sign comprises a black inner circle and an outer circle divided into six 60-degree sections, alternating between black and yellow, on a square placard. This sign may indicate that radiation is in the air or ground, or that the potential for radiation exposure is higher than normal.
Th biohazard symbol was created in the 1960's by Charles Baldwin with help from the Dow Chemical Company. The biohazard symbol was created in the late 1960's as a way to standardize the biohazard warning system within laboratories and hospitals. The symbol is three-sided so as to be symmetrical in any orientation. The blaze orange color was chosen because it is the most visible color under the widest range of conditions -- a finding that came from an unrelated Arctic exploration experiment. This symbol is found in hospitals, dental offices, laboratories and anywhere else people may come into contact with dangerous organic materials.
Corrosive Material
Corrosive materials can also posess reactive, flammable or toxic characteristics. The corrosive material symbol is the least abstract of the hazard symbols and is designed to indicate chemicals that attack or corrode metals, or destroy or burn human tissue. Common chemicals that require the use of this symbol are hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid and ammonia.
Toxic Material
The skull-and-crossbones toxic symbol applies to substances such as poisons. The toxic material symbol uses the most recognizable international symbol for extreme danger: the skull and crossbones. This symbol indicates, generally, an increased potential for personal injury. The symbol is usually placed on a triangular yellow and black sign, but can also be found as a stand-alone image or coupled with specific words such as "poison."