Steam Boiler Operations Tutorials
Prior to operation, ensure the safety shutdown valves and switches function properly, and the pipe fittings and valves remain clear and open. According to the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, the low-water cutoff is the most important device on the boiler for sustaining a safe water level. Perform an evaporation test and a slow drain test at least once a week to analyze low-water cutoff.
Prior to starting or restarting a fire in the steam boiler, open dampers and thoroughly ventilate the entire fireside of the boiler to remove unburned gases before lighting the fire. Maintain the steam boiler fire consistently to avoid an extreme rate of combustion, temperature variations and potential explosions.
Safety valves prevent over-pressurization of the boiler if the pressure controls stop working. Keep safety valves free of debris and test regularly when steam pressure hovers at 75 percent of the set pressure. Open and close blow-down valves carefully when blowing sediment from the boiler and maintain proper working condition of valves.