Eagle Mine Safety Training
Eagle Mine Safety is a consulting service based in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. It trains clients in a number of issues regarding work practices and procedures in mine-oriented environments. As of January 2011, the company is under the direction of Steven Sandbrook who holds various regulatory credentials and certifications as well as a bachelor's of science in mine safety management from the University of Indiana.
Training services include those specific to mining as well as to other correlating business sectors such as road construction, concrete and asphalt applications as well as site development. The company has also consulted in statewide conferences, such as that in New Mexico in 2010. Presentations are primary tools which outline federal code standards as well as the potential for workers and management to interpret and apply personal integrity and decision-making skills to their operations.
Eagle Mining Safety gives special attention to the manner in which employees respond to compliance standards. In this regard, presentations encourage trainees to navigate complex situations where standards can be transcended regularly, rather than given rudimentary attention. An example of such instruction is the safe cordoning off of dangerous, malfunctioning or unserviced materials or vehicles and the development of diligent maintenance of related records by the client company.