Low Voltage Lighting Safety Requirements
State Regulations
Despite the relative safety of low voltage installations, there are a number of regulations that govern how they can safely be performed. Different regulatory bodies govern each state and each has specific requirements. The Texas Electrical Safety and Licensing Act (TESLA), for example, determines worker safety in Texas.
Worker Regulations
Worker regulations exist in addition to all the others. These regulations fall under the umbrella of American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The ANSI standards are a coordination of Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) and National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements based on Underwriters Laboratories (UL) recommendations.
Playing It Safe
Given the bureaucracy of electrical safety standards, even for low voltage projects, you likely have to consult with a licensed electrician if you want your installation to meet all the guidelines for your area. National Electrical Installation Standards (NEIS) set standards above those of the NEC which should meet most installation needs. Even then, however, the safest bet is to have a professional do the work.