Drum & Container Handling Regulations
Correct handling begins with an inspection of the drum and its contents. Look for words or symbols on the exterior that indicate the container holds hazardous, toxic or explosive material. Make certain there are no signs of leaks or corrosion on the drums. Look for bulging or swelling of the container, which signifies that the drum is under pressure.
Equipment such as a front end loader, a forklift or a hydraulic excavator with a drum grappler attached are best for moving drums and containers. The preferred method is a drum grappler, as this keeps the equipment operator a safe distance from a container if a rupture occurs.
Only a hazardous material specialist should handle drums or containers that hold hazardous, explosive or laboratory wastes. If the drums must be handled, use extreme caution and keep all nonessential personnel away from the area. Using a grappler unit is a must when moving explosive wastes in drums and containers.