What Are the Dangers of Blasting Caps?
A fuse cap is a non-electrical device consisting of a small, open-ended, metal tube containing an explosive such as mercury fulminate, lead styphnate or lead azide. Electric blasting caps are similar in design to a fuse cap but have two insulated wires extending from one end and contain an initiating charge and a base charge. Designed to be crimped to a fuse, non-electrical caps are considered relatively safe compared to the other styles but can still go off if mishandled.
Fuse caps can explode if exposed to heat, shock and static electricity. In addition to these, electric blasting caps can be set off by radio signals and electromagnetic radiation. Some older blasting caps contain lead azide which converts to copper azide salt when exposed to moisture. The friction of opening the blasting cap is enough to detonate copper azide salt.
Possessing blasting caps and other explosives is illegal without a permit. Blasting caps are highly sensitive and can cause severe injuries or death. Anyone who finds blasting caps should call the local police or fire department for proper disposal.