Local Exhaust Ventilation Checklist

Local exhaust ventilation is an engineered controlled system designed to prevent the dispersion into the indoor air of dusts, fumes, mists, vapors and gases in concentrations causing harmful exposure. The LEV system removes air contaminants when they are produced before escaping into the workroom air. All workroom air should be clean through the LEV system to prevent fumes and vapors from causing potential harm.
  1. Installation

    • LEV must be installed properly. Monthly checklists indicate proper installation. There is also documentation of testing for the system once a year. Indicators should be set in place to detect that the LEV system is working properly.

    Preventive Maintenance

    • Preventive maintenance should also be completed and recorded with accurate dates and specific maintenance performed. Annual maintenance includes thorough examination of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. Items of interest during this time is checking or changing air filters, belts, oiling equipment and checking and repairing motors. Reservoirs in the HVAC system should also be inspected for standing water and handled appropriately.

    Employees' Right to Know

    • Employees have the right to know if the workplace has the potential of air quality being compromised. All employees must have an indoor air quality management plan. They should also be tested for traces of harmful dusts, vapors and fumes that may have entered the body while working. The employer must equip employees with proper protection to prevent indoor air quality problems. Areas where employees generally operate should be tested for lead-base paint and lead control or removal protocol must be set in place. All complaints related to air quality illnesses should be recorded and reported according to company policy.

    Regulated Areas

    • The checklist indicates regulated areas for smoking and handling material and equipment that compromises air quality. In most buildings, smoking is completely prohibited indoors. Windows in certain areas contributing to ventilation must be in operation. The checklist shows this regulation is adhered to.

    Asbestos and Pesticides

    • According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, employers are required to identify the presence, location and quantity of asbestos-containing materials so that LEV systems meet with regulations for this material and placed correctly. Any pesticide applicators must be properly trained in the safe use of pesticides and spot treatments used for infested areas.

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