Diesel Fuel Tank Design Safety Requirements
Design and Construction
Design diesel fuel tanks with a secondary containment tank capable of holding 110 percent of the capacity of the primary tank. Mount non-combustible spill containers to the tank. Construct the diesel tank out of bullet resistant materials and provide guard posts to protect diesel tanks from damage. Install approved flame arrestors or pressure vacuum breather valves in normal vents. Mount anti-siphon devices in each external pipe that connects to the tank, when the pipe extends below the level of the top of the tank.
Equip tanks, positioned below normal liquid level, with steel connected internal or external control valves. Terminate metallic fill pipes, for tanks with a top fill connection, within 6 inches of the tank base, to reduce static electricity. Vent pipes must drain in the direction of the tank without trapping liquid. Prepare tanks with sufficient venting. Pressure release devices must not eject inside buildings.
Secure storage dispensing areas against unauthorized entry. Monitor tank and piping containment systems either visually or electronically. Post hazardous material warning and identification signs. Provide at least one workable fire extinguisher near the diesel fuel tank.