Overhead Conveyor Safety
Avoid wearing loose clothing and jewelry and tie back long hair to prevent entanglement in the overhead conveyor. Keep both feet on the floor and refrain from leaning out over the conveyor. Clean areas around the conveyor to clear debris and clutter. Walk under conveyors only in approved walkways. Wear hard hats when necessary.
Only trained and authorized personnel should operate a conveyor. Only qualified and approved personnel may repair the conveyor. Safety guards are not to be removed except for repairs. Use spill guards to protect spill points where materials may fall from the overhead conveyor. Conveyors must meet appropriate qualifications for design, assembly, function, maintenance, inspection and testing.
Make certain that the conveyor is clear of all people, packages and foreign objects before starting. Never pack a conveyor in excess of its capabilities or load it with objects it is not supposed to carry. Display safety signs to warn of hazards. Operators must be familiar with the function and location of emergency stop controls.