Navy Regulations for a Radiation Safety Officer

The Navy uses several regulations to guide radiation safety officers (RSOs) in their duties. The regulations include the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Titles 10, 29 and 49, Navy Regulation NAVMED-P-5055 and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard N43.3.
  1. Exposure

    • RSOs are responsible for minimizing radiation exposure levels to personnel. The goal is to make exposure "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA).


    • RSOs must ensure personnel working near radioactive materials are properly trained and licensed by a Nuclear Regulatory Commission permit.


    • RSOs are responsible to ensure personnel working near radioactive sources wear the proper detection devices and exposure is monitored and recorded.


    • Regulations require the RSO to immediately report damage or loss of radioactive materials including theft, damage of protective seals or fire.

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