How to Handle Crisis Management
To effectively handle a crisis, you want to design a well-coordinated response to any disturbances that might happen within a facility such as an office building or school. The most important features are a clearly articulated plan, a totally lucid understanding of roles and responsibilities and excellent communication among the responders.Instructions
Establish Teams
Begin by establishing a Crisis Management Planning Team that designs all responses to anticipated threats and reviews the policies and threats on a regular (e.g. quarterly) basis. Some considerations include designating command centers, activating the response system, coordination of community services (medical, fire, police), and search and rescue. This team should also plan for crisis drills that test the effectiveness and preparedness of the system and are conducted no less than annually.
The second team to be set up should draw on steady, reliable and experienced people who can function as the Crisis Management Operations Team. Identify a meeting spot for them so it will be crystal clear to all where they should report in the event of a disturbance. Their task during a crisis is to establish a communication network, evaluate the need for medical services, access fire danger, engage search and rescue efforts, provide support for emergency responders, coordinate communication efforts with the larger community and any other duties that the Planning Team designates. In general, this team should make the type of tactical decisions that will ease the crisis. There should be a clearly identified Team Director.
To formulate a public response to a crisis, it is helpful to have a Crisis Management Policy Team. Their task is to prepare information for the general public, prioritize operations, consider legal implications, and coordinate with the Crisis Management Operations Team.