Insect Fogger Tips
Use With Discretion
Foggers generally cover a large area of the home and should not be used in small areas, like closets or cupboards. Don't use foggers more often than the label recommends. If you've fogged your home and still have pest problems, call a professional.
Remove Dishes & Utensils
Before starting a fogger, remove all silverware and dishes from your cupboards. Place them in a different section of the house from the area you are fogging. Leave cabinets and cupboards open, so any pests hiding in them are killed in the fog. It's also essential that you cover up all food and place it in the refrigerator, if necessary. If you find any food that was left uncovered during fogging, throw it away immediately.
Keep Away From Ignition Sources
Keep your fogger away from any possible ignition sources, such as pilot lights. Some appliances, like refrigerators and air conditioners, turn themselves on and off with an automatic ignition switch. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends keeping a fogger at least six feet away from these devices.
Notify Friends and Family
If you have neighbors or family members that occasionally stop by the house, tell them when you're fogging to prevent them walking into a toxic environment. It's also helpful to put signs on all exterior doors, warning possible guests that the house is being fogged.
When you return after the proscribed period (around four hours), ventilate the areas that have been fogged. Open doors and windows and turn on fans for at least half an hour to clear the fog from your home.