How to Lift a Brick Mailbox
Things You'll Need
- Spade
- Protective goggles
- Four pairs of protective gloves
- Masonry chisel
Dig directly around your brick mailbox using your spade. Remove the earth surrounding all four sides of your mailbox, until you reach the concrete foundation. Make sure you have enough space to chisel the bottom layer of mortar that connects the bricks to the foundation. If you need more room, carry on digging around your mailbox.
Clear away any excess soil using your hands or your spade. For your safety, it is important that you have a clean view of the mortar you are going to chisel. Any soil blocking your view should be removed.
Don your protective goggles and gloves. Use your chisel to chip away the layer of mortar between the bricks and the concrete foundation. Point your chisel toward the foundation when you use it, so your bricks remain undamaged. This process can take a long time, so take a break if you feel tired.
Chisel away the mortar on all four sides of your mailbox until the bricks are completely disconnected from the foundation. Chisel the mortar evenly around the mailbox so it remains stable. For example, remove an inch at a time from each side.
Wear your protective gloves and give your friends a pair of gloves each before you lift the mailbox. Twist your mailbox on the foundation so each of you can grip a corner, with your fingers underneath the bottom layer of bricks. Each person should bend down with a straight back and grip the corners firmly.
Lift your mailbox cautiously and ensure that everyone stands up at the same time, so the weight is spread evenly. Keep your backs straight when lifting the mailbox to prevent injuries. The mailbox will be heavy and lifting it will require physical strength, even with four people.