MSHA Requirements for a Tunnel Rescue
Personnel Requirements
MSHA requires that search and rescue teams set up for mine and tunnel rescue efforts be made up of eight members. Of these, at least five members should be able to handle breathing apparatus. This requirement holds good for rescues relating to both active and inactive tunnels.
Training Requirements
Mine and tunnel rescue teams also need to undergo training. In the case of tunnels under construction, the training includes an initial 20-hour MSHA training on the use of breathing apparatus. There are also underground refresher training sessions at a minimum every six months. Other training aspects include input on the cleaning and handling of mine rescue equipment, mine ventilation, mine firefighting, mine mapping and basic first aid. Teams training for inactive tunnel rescues should, in addition to the training required for tunnels under construction, also get additional training inputs. For instance, they need to understand technical rope systems, know how to set up rescue anchors, and know how to handle evacuations in a vertical environment.
Equipment Requirements
Tunnel rescue teams should have access to certain equipment, under the MSHA standards. They need to have access to oxygen breathing apparatus and equipment for testing such apparatus, as well as oxygen bottles and pumps that work with the apparatus. Also required are cap lamps, and gas detectors to read oxygen levels and to detect any poisonous gases in the rescue environment. The rescue team will also need a suitable mine rescue communication system, and spare parts and tools to repair the system, and protective equipment. Another requirement is transportation to take the team and equipment to the mine site.