What Is the Porosity of Latex Exam Gloves?
In simple terms, porosity refers to the amount of empty space there is in comparison to the amount of material that is present. For example, if you had a jar of marbles, the porosity would be the amount of air between each marble.
Porosity and Microorganisms
Viruses and bacteria are microscopic and can fit through very small spaces, spaces much too small for humans to even see. If a material is porous enough, it is possible for these microorganisms to pass through the material, which can cause contamination.
Latex Gloves and Porosity
Since latex is a natural material, gloves will vary in how porous they are from manufacturer to manufacturer, and even from lot to lot. Studies have found bacterial penetration to occur in between 8 and 80 percent of latex exam gloves.
Safety and Latex Gloves
In general, studies find that latex gloves are effective for protecting against bacteria and viruses. However, there are problems in that their effectiveness decreases over time; the longer they are used, especially if they get wet, the more likely they are to rupture, which will result in contamination.