The Excavation Safety Guide
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires construction employers to ensure that stairways, ladders or ramps are erected in trenches over 4 feet deep. Exits must be positioned so that a worker is never further than 25 feet away from one.
Protective Systems
Depending on the soil, an excavator may slope or cut steps into trench walls at an angle that eliminates cave-in risks. Shoring protects workers through exertion of pneumatic or hydraulic pressure against a barrier to keep walls intact. Shielding involves installing a large metal chamber inside the trench where workers can labor while shielded from collapsing debris.
OSHA requires that a competent person, capable of identifying existing and potential hazards, be on-site to inspect trenches before every shift and after any rainfall. The inspector must be authorized to order trench evacuation and immediate correction of any hazard she detects.