Solid Lift Truck Tire Safety
Pre-Work Inspection
The lift truck's tires should be inspected before use each shift. They should have the correct air pressure, as directed by the manufacturer. If the tire pressure is too low, the machine can tip over when lifting a load.
Lift trucks with rubber, solid tires are best for indoor work. The type of tire chosen for a lift truck is dependent on the type of surface it is run on. For indoor work on smoother surfaces, tires of a smaller size and manufactured from rubber are used. Lift trucks working outdoors require the use of pneumatic tires. Pneumatic tires have a rubber tread and arevfilled with compressed air, giving them good grip on rough surfaces.
Other Considerations
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration requires that lift trucks used on a continual basis to be inspected at the completion of every shift. The operator should check for any apparent damage to the tires, such as cuts or excessive wear.