Dinonyl Phenol MSDS
MSDS, or material safety data sheets, provide vital content about substances used in the workplace. They serve to inform workers about safe handling of all materials they come in contact with. The MSDS for dinonyl phenol notes the substance is combustible and can cause respiratory symptoms if used in unventilated areas.
Further, the MSDS characterizes dinonyl phenol as a colorless, viscous liquid that has corrosive properties. It also describes three possible routes of exposure: skin, inhalation and ingestion. There follows lists of symptoms and hazards from exposure, including cough and shortness of breath, along with prevention and first-aid measures. Other considerations are found in the MSDS and include accommodations for adequate ventilation along the floor where dinonyl phenol is stored.
Workplace chemicals come with an MSDS in the packaging. When this is not the case, or it is misplaced, contact the supplier for this vital information sheet. If still unobtainable, the Internet is a valuable tool for securing such data via links to company websites that allow you to print the MSDS documents they have on file.