Safety Topics for a Workplace Newsletter
Newsletters may be distributed weekly, monthly or at other intervals. Safety topics are an important part of a newsletter, no matter what type industry the company is involved in, as all workplaces have safety issues of some type to share with employees and management alike.
Seasonal and Monthly Focus
Fire-safety month in October can be presented as a safety topic in the workplace newsletter. Special safety-event months are promoted throughout the year, for which information can be presented in the workplace newsletter. October is Fire Safety Month. The National Safety Council promotes June as National Safety Month. Other topics such as "eye safety" and "building safety" are also sponsored by various organizations.Seasonal safety topics can include snow and cold safety, emergency tornado and flood information and heat-related safety.
Safety Regulation Changes
Inform workers of safety regulation changes through the company newsletter. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and other regulatory agencies periodically update safety regulations. Workplace newsletters can highlight any updates or changes, as well as encouraging workers to check out the changes in policy that must be added to the company's written safety policy manuals. Safety issues might also be added to the company's policies because of new products, procedures or equipment. The newsletter can give a short description of the changes and tell employees where to find more comprehension information if they or their department is affected by the changes.
Safety Statistics
Employees can be informed of accidents that have occurred in the workplace, along with safety procedures or equipment that will help them stay safe. The number of injuries, or lack of injuries, are often the focus of safety incentives. Workers will want to keep up-to-date with progress toward a goal that results in rewards. A "safe worker" can be featured in the newsletter each month, with information about how long that employee has gone without workplace injury and the safe steps this person has taken. In addition to safe workers being featured, a newsletter may also announce a good deed or safe act that someone has performed to prevent others from injury.
Work-Related Illness
Use the newsletter to encourage workers to obtain a flu shot. Fumes, weather, back and leg strain, as well as other health-related topics can remind workers to use caution in certain situations or alert management when a lost-time health issue may be present. Illnesses such as the flu cause workers to miss days of work. Flu and cold season is a good time to remind workers to get flu shots and also to review ways to keep from spreading flu and colds to other workers. Heat exhaustion is also a threat to workers' health, and ways to prevent this illness can be presented in a newsletter as well.
Training Opportunites
Use the newsletter to announce scheduled safety-training updates, seminars with experts speaking about certain safety topics, or personal training opportunities. Safety classes and update sessions may be available at a local college. Online classes are available in abundance and can update workers between regular required training classes. Be sure to include whether the company will pay for training online or at another facility and incentives that will be rewarded upon completion of extra safety training.